Titanic ITV 2012 Miniseries Wikia
László Szili

The Seaman was a seaman.


Character's evolution[]

Second and Third Class[]

No Way Out[]

The two seamen (along with Sixth Officer Moody) arrives into the Third Class Dining Room and helps the two stewards to hold back the crowd from rushing up the stairs. When Mario Sandrini gets into altercation with Moody, Turnbull unlocks the gate and drags Mario in, where the two seamen grabs and carry Mario away. They locks him up with the other italians.

The Sinking[]

The Seaman holds onto overturned collapsible as the Boat Deck dives underwater, but loses his grip and dies in the sinking.


Behind the scenes[]

  • László Szili, the seaman's portrayer is not credited in mini-series.

